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WA Human Biology Yr11 General Study Guide

WA Human Biology Yr11 General Study Guide (Digital MC2)

CPAP Study Guide to VCE Legal Studies (2025) 14E

CPAP Study Guide to VCE Legal Studies (Dig MC2) (2025) 14E

CPAP Study Guide to VCE Business Mgmt (2025) 9E

CPAP Study Guide to VCE Business Mgmt (Digital MC2) (2025)9E

Economic Fundamentals Australia VCE 3&4 9E

CPAP Economic Fundamental Aust VCE 3&4 (Dig MC2)(2025-26)9E

Monitoring Environmental Systems VCE Units 1&2 (MyConnect) 5E

Fully revised and updated for the new study design, the 5th Edition of EEV’s Environmental Science textbooks include full colour images and diagrams. Beautifully laid out with colour coded chapters, and real life examples to encourage students to delve deeper into sustainability learning

Issues of Sustainability VCE Units 3&4 (MyConnect) 5E

Fully revised and updated for the new study design, the 5th Edition of EEV’s Environmental Science textbooks include full colour images and diagrams. Beautifully laid out with colour coded chapters, and real life examples to encourage students to delve deeper into sustainability learning.